Hi Friends,
I am totally new to mitel.
We have recently decided to implement mitel IP phones. The intent is to connect computers to the IP phones, as in a standard deployment.
The IP phones will be in Vlan 20, subnet & the PCs will be in Vlan 1, subnet
We will use the mitel 3300 MxE as the dhcp server for the phones, and another dhcp server in vlan 1 for the computers.
I need advice with the switch(cisco) side configuration regarding the following questions.
1. Switch port ==> Mitel 3300 (trunk tag vlan 1, 20 or access vlan 20?)
2. Switch port ==> Mitel IP phone (trunk tag vlan 1, 20 or access vlan 1, voice vlan 20?)
3. Is there a need for a gateway in voice vlan? as this is a flat layer 2 deployment for the IP Phones.