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Messages - acejavelin

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Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: multiple music on hold files
« on: October 29, 2012, 12:52:46 AM »
I would have to check the docs, but I am pretty sure Music-On-Hold is tenant based, each tenant can only have one source.

It should tell you why you can't delete it... remember you have to delete all keys off the phone first. Is this a standalone system or a clustered network?

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Incoming digits on 5540 IP console
« on: October 26, 2012, 08:59:47 AM »
Thanks for the lead.

By setting Display ANI/ISDN Calling Number Only to No did the trick. It regards an E1 by the way.
Hmmm... odd, eitherway, glad you got it working!

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Incoming digits on 5540 IP console
« on: October 25, 2012, 06:14:20 PM »
It sounds like your COS is missing some options to display caller ID/ANI and it is only displaying DNIS digits. Although if this is a T-1 (non-ISDN) showing the DNIS digits might be the best you can get...

Check these settings in the console and trunk's COS:

Calling Name Display - Internal - ONS   Yes   
Calling Number Display - Internal - ONS   Yes   
Display ANI/DNIS/ISDN Calling/Called Number   Yes   
Display ANI/ISDN Calling Number Only   Yes   
Display Caller ID on multicall/keylines   Yes   
Display Caller ID On Multicall/Keylines Timer   5   

And also in the PRI trunk's COS:

ANI/DNIS/ISDN Number Delivery Trunk   Yes   

Actually, yes I have... We have about a dozen or so deployed in a public school district, work great for voice, never been able to get data of any kind working through them though (including fax).

Hmmm... think there was some mis-communication there, the part you really want it an FF240 (ANALOG, not IP), and connect it to a couple analog extensions on the controller, works great. I have only tried a little but, but never been able to get faxing working via SIP to any device.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: software needed Mitel 3100
« on: October 22, 2012, 09:59:12 AM »
PM sent with more info...

Hmmm... haven't seen this one, and the entry is very cryptic, but since it seems to be related to call issues I would contact tech support, at least open an online ticket in TechCentral Tracker, should be able to give you something to go on.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Mitel 5000 to Exchange 2010
« on: October 17, 2012, 10:27:35 AM »
He is referring to what most long time Inter-tel techs call the "AVDAP" log, in the 5000 you have to web into the administrator web portal, and look at the log files.

I don't have a 5000 up on the test bench right now, but it seems to me if you web in, and go do logs tab, you will find the Voicemail  logs there quite easily.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: 3300ICP V8 database to MCD5 import
« on: October 16, 2012, 08:25:05 AM »
Nope... you have to go to MCD 4.0 first, clean up the directory and LNO issues, then convert and backup... from there you can go up to current.

No way around it... that being said, you could just export the major forms then import them into the new controller but it would still require a lot of manual cleanup. But I betting in most instances it is easier and faster to install 4.0 software, restore, cleanup, convert, and then upgrade to current.

Quote from: acejavelin
Oh, and Sonicwall routers... Bad combination with anything SIP, we have had nothing but issues trying to run SIP through a Sonicwall router, even endpoints. Phones would come up and work, but after about 5 minutes into the call the audio would drop. Trunking we always got one-way audio, even for a system that is NAT aware.

Initial testing suggests everything is working OK.  Audio both ways, incomng and outgoing calls, hold, call trading, etc.  I made a call to my mobile for about 20 minutes and didn't seem to have any problems.  Mitel MCD is listed in the SIP combatibility matrix for the PRO3060 and in general we've never had a problem with SonicWALLs (been using them for about 10 years) - I used it mainly because I happened to have a spare one. :)  We'll see how things go - we can always splash out on something with a better reputation if we run into problems. ;)
Cool! Glad they are working for you.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: software needed Mitel 3100
« on: October 15, 2012, 05:45:47 PM »
:) Thanks very much, i have downloaded it and I'll try it and let you know how I get on. I seem to be having issues with the maintenance terminal connection using hyperterminal and win7 at the moment as there is no response.
Have you details of the RS232 lead wiring by any chance, the tech handbook doesn't really detail the wiring as such. I want to check i have made it correctly.
A customer has a 3300 cxi sitting on a shelf, i'll make an offer as it may be an easier solution.  ;).
I have nothing more on the RS232 port unfortunately... what kind of issues are you having? I don't use Hyperterm in Win7, only TeraTerm

But I would definitely go the 3300 route it possible!

Just thought people might want to know how I actually solved this in the end.  It turns out that you do actually need a gateway that is capable of doing SIP transformations and that it doesn't "just work" as I was constantly being told.  A dropped a spare SonicWALL PRO3060 into the mix and enabled SIP Tranformations and Consistent NAT and everything is magically working.  It's a little bit horrible at the moment as we're double NAT'ing on the CPE router and the firewall, but it proves it works.  My plan is to simplify things by reconfiguring the Cisco router as a bridge using PPPoE on the firewall's WAN interface.  Got there in the end. :-)
It usually "just works" if you are throwing SIP endpoints in (like Polycom/Aastra phones), but for trunking it is different, you are correct that you need a SIP-aware router.

We use the Edgemarc routers from Edgewater Networks, just point the phone system to the router and let it register to that and a little setup in the router and it does all teh translation and stuff needed to connect tot he SIP providor. Helps that we are usually the SIP provider as well! :)

Oh, and Sonicwall routers... Bad combination with anything SIP, we have had nothing but issues trying to run SIP through a Sonicwall router, even endpoints. Phones would come up and work, but after about 5 minutes into the call the audio would drop. Trunking we always got one-way audio, even for a system that is NAT aware.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: How to find MAC address of Mitel 5000
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:15:09 PM »
Forgive my Noob-ness but what is DBStudio?   I looked all over that chassis Saturday and couldn't find a sticker for a MAC like I expected.   I'll go look again.

chrismitel, I'm looking at the IP settings and I can see it's IP address, DNS settings, and Maximum Simultaneous Fax Over IP (Just to demonstrate what form I'm in)
 and there is no MAC Address.

DBStudio is the name for the programming software, it is launched through SysAdmin software... at least that is what is used to be called.

I just looked at a couple 5000's I have on the test bench, both of them have stickers right next to the LAN port on the back of the controller.

ghost is right on the money, make sure you do the Telephone Directory entry! (this becomes very important in later softwares or clustered environments)

Also, to get calls to go VM, you need to go to the Call Rerouting form and assign it a 1st Alternative route to VM so that calls will go to VM if not answered on the new DN.

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