Author Topic: Nu Point Call Flow to a key press menu doing a Blind transfer to EHDU  (Read 1052 times)

Offline Gasmanz

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I have an issue with a Nu Point Call Directory Call Flow menu that is listening for the callers to press a key and then doing a Blind Transfer to an EHDU extension. Everything works fine in the Call Flow but the Blind Transfer to EHDU extension is failing on the outbound call to the users mobile phone. If I set the Blind Transfer to a system speed dial that then call the EHDU extension the call goes out to the users mobile just fine.

Is there a special COS to enable Nu Point Call Director to call EHDU extensions? I will need this to work as the Call Director Call flow menu also has Multi-key enabled to permit callers to dial users EHDU extensions directly.

My packet capture from the MBG show the call being placed out to the EHDU extensions mobile number via the SIP carrier like a regular call but then the MCD sends a SIP CANCEL header which of course tears down the call.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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