Message Waiting (Select "Yes" to allow a station to enable and disable message waiting notification on another station.)
Your phone will still get MWI.
Disable Send Message (Select "Yes" to restrict IP telephones from sending Call Me Back messages. The "Leave a Msg" soft prompt is not displayed and/or the message LED on the set initiating the call does not flash; this informs the user that Call Me Back messages are disabled.)
You could try 'Disable Send Message' = Yes
This will still display 'Call Me Back' but will not light the MWI when used. It will work like a more traditional system as below.
- User A calls User B, user B doesn't answer.
- User A presses 'Call Me Back', this sets a call back. User B has no MWI indication.
- User B makes or receives a phone call, when they are finished the Call Back is initiated to User A.
- User A answers the call and the Call Back is cleared.
You could also lower the Callback Cancel Timer in System Option to 1 (hr) to try and clear them quicker.
I'm not sure if you can remove the Callback Feature totally.
Thanks for this.
I have disabled 'Send Message' on all relevant COS. However I have this scenario.
- Ext 5000 calls 5001. 5001 is not on the phone but 5000 chooses to hit 'Call me Back'
- 5001 is not left any MWI on their phone (this is good)
- When 5001 next places a call either internally or externally and then ends that call, this instantly places a call back to 5000 (not good)
How can I stop the system from thinking it should place an automatic call back to 5000 once the system sees 5001 go busy (by placing an outbound call) and then becoming available afterwards?
I thought Call backs were only ever a manual process? where 5001 sees a Call Waiting light and then has the option to return the call to 5000 (the requester)