Author Topic: Vary ringing time based on system service  (Read 1116 times)

Offline Dogbreath

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Vary ringing time based on system service
« on: February 22, 2016, 07:19:15 AM »
Release 7.2
User has requested that the ringing time on a ring-all ring group be dependant on the system service, to wit:

Night2: go straight to RAD message saying they're closed and what the opening times are
Night1: ring a couple of times, then go to the above RAD message
Day: ring forever

Schedule on Day matches what is in the RAD message [for what it's worth]. Night1 is only on for a brief period before and after Day.
Source of calls is a DDI [using DID Service].

The way I implemented this was to point the DDI at a spare user and use the Day/Night1/Night2 Call Rerouting Always to send calls to two different ring groups with different ring timers on, or to the RAD hunt group, as appropriate.

Can anyone think of a more elegant way to do this? I had originally said "yeah sure, no problem" when asked to do this because the ring group can have different CoS on day/night1/night2 and I thought I'd be able to adjust the CFNA timer on a new CoS and assign it to the group in Night1 and away we go. However, read the help and it says:

Enter the Class of Service to be assigned to all Ring Group members when the system is in Night1 service mode

so it would alter the CoS on the *members* of the group [ie the extensions] not the group itself! Needless to say this didn't work for me.

Offline lundah

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Re: Vary ringing time based on system service
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2016, 01:02:40 PM »
No you're on the right track. Assigning a different COS for day/n1/n2 on the Ring Group should only affect calls placed to the Ring Group, it shouldn't mess with other properties of the member sets when they aren't involved in a call to the Ring Group DN.


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