Make it a Sta Spd instead. Name it anything you want (using 383 code or user web interface) and put the whole string under it (3312500).
Sounds great, doesn't work. Do I have the syntax correct?
In web GUI - I created a speed dial and entered for number = 3312500
You have to do it on the station level, this is not done from the DB Studio software... from the set enter:
0-9 (The BIN number you want to use for this feature)
Red to Bob (or the name you want to use entered via the keypad)
3312500 (assuming Bob is 2500)
(System responds with Sta Spd Bin #x is updated)
Then put it on a key
Press key you want to program
X (whatever BIN # you used above)
Done, the button will say
Red to Bob