First of all, just joined so hello to you all

Can someone clarify something regarding RAD ports please. We have a Call Flow in IQ 6160 (version 5.8 ) with an initial announcement using three RAD ports (4441, 4442 and 4443 for example). The documentation says that each RAD port can play a message to 50 simultaneous callers. So I thought I would test this. I dialed the ACD path from four separate office phones, the first three used 4441 - 4443 as expected then I got a Busy tone on the fourth phone.
So I'm guessing that when the message starts playing using RAD 4441 for example, then that RAD port becomes busy until the message has finished. So how come Mitel claim you can have 50 callers for each RAD port when all I can get is one?
I'm obviously misunderstanding something. So any clarification would be great, thanks. If Mitel mean 50 callers at exactly the same time then I would think that is pretty much impossible?