I need to update a user however I am unable to. It just spins. "Please wait while your data is saved..."
On Monday our Mitel 3300 lost a hard drive and we fully recovered our users. I have been able to make changes here, but now I'm unable to do so. The technician who helped me deleted my old admin account and recreated it again. I must have lost some privileges. What can I do to make changes? Any help would be grateful.
I don't think this is a privilege issue... I would try the following
1) In Maintenance Commands, enter "dbms check full"
2) Verify you are using IE8 (or FF/Chrome with IE8 plugin)
3) Delete all browser history and caches and restart your browser
4) Verify you have current Java installed
5) Try accessing ESM from a different PC
6) Ask your technician to add a new ROOT level user and password and try that one.