Author Topic: Control users volumes  (Read 1457 times)

Offline fcoffey

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Control users volumes
« on: February 22, 2021, 04:08:44 PM »
Hi all,

I've done some searching on the forums and found at least a few "leads to an answer" if you will, but wanted to ask the question again as the threads I found were "old" (at least in a tech sense).

This is probably a "social" problem looking for a technical answer, but I have been asked to see if I can hard-set IC/CO ring volume and not allow the user to alter it due to users turning down their ringer to the point where they "cannot hear it" and are ignoring calls.

The vast majority of phones are 5320e's and 5340e's.

If I whip up a test offline database and turn on OLM I can see that I can set volumes, but I am assuming the user can just re-set it (in this case, low as to not hear the ringing).

Thinking outside the box a bit, I do have a CT Gateway available, perhaps I could write some custom code (via the System OAI toolkit?)  to check a list of extensions volumes and re-set them to a per-determined level if they aren't where they should be?    My guess is even checking every 15 minutes would probably be to much "load" on the system?     ... or should I just tell management to smack upside the head (Gibbs/NCIS style ...) those employees that turn down their ringer?

MiVoice Office 250 running ...



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Re: Control users volumes
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2021, 04:48:44 PM »

Hmm, I don't believe you will have much luck trying to stop users from changing their volume.

As for the OAI Command Line idea that won't work either.

First of all the Set Volume _-SV Command only works on Digital Phones; which I doubt you have.

Even if they were Digital you can only do one of three things.

0 - No change
1 - Increase Volume by One
2 - Decrease Volume by One

To change one extension to certain value would require you to make multiple changes at a time and then you have to save it.

What you could do is just remove the volume keys from the phone so they don't work at all, but that may cause other issues for low volume calls.

Also, an extension pushed to the maximum volume will get reset to the average volume on the next call due to OSHA Regulations, but you could just set everyone to one or two below the maximum setting and then remove the volume keys from their keymap.



Offline fcoffey

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Re: Control users volumes
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2021, 09:09:43 AM »

What you could do is just remove the volume keys from the phone so they don't work at all, but that may cause other issues for low volume calls.

Hi TE  -

Thanks for the response and confirming what I was already thinking.   You are correct that we don't have any digital sets, and even if we did the OAI/SV command method seems kludge-y.

In my offline test database, I set up a 5320 keymap, went to edit, and while the Volume Up/Volume Down keys do have "numbers" assigned to them, I am unable to edit the two.  For instance, where I can normally change a key (for instance, let's make #5 something else than the special key) if I click near where "volume up" and "volume dn" is, it doesn't let me edit it/de-assign it/etc.

Am I missing something?    When I originally looked in Keymap Edit it almost felt that I'm not able to delete the volume keys (which would make sense, as deleting them stops any volume adjustments, not just ringer, but IC/CO, etc....)



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Re: Control users volumes
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2021, 10:42:00 AM »

Sorry about that I guess you can't make that change anymore as I can't make it here either.

To be honest I had only done that one time in 25+ years and it was when Inter-Tel still manufactured the product, and it was changed back fairly quickly as they couldn't adjust the Ringer volume.

How hard is it to tell them not to adjust the volume to a level they can't hear? I mean everyone working there should understand how a volume keys works at this point in their lives; even young kids.



Offline fcoffey

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Re: Control users volumes
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2021, 11:23:47 AM »

Sorry about that I guess you can't make that change anymore as I can't make it here either.

To be honest I had only done that one time in 25+ years and it was when Inter-Tel still manufactured the product, and it was changed back fairly quickly as they couldn't adjust the Ringer volume.

How hard is it to tell them not to adjust the volume to a level they can't hear? I mean everyone working there should understand how a volume keys works at this point in their lives; even young kids.




No problem at all.    I agree with you that folks should just be told to not adjust their ringer volume to a volume that you cannot hear.

Edit: unrelated to topic at hand text removed. :)

Thanks again,

« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 11:41:05 AM by fcoffey »

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Re: Control users volumes
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2021, 11:28:36 AM »

Just don't tell them about the Feature Code to change the Ring Tone (Default FC: 398) which allows you to dial 0-9 and change the tone; 0 - No Tone.



Offline fcoffey

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Re: Control users volumes
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2021, 11:41:58 AM »

Just don't tell them about the Feature Code to change the Ring Tone (Default FC: 398) which allows you to dial 0-9 and change the tone; 0 - No Tone.



SHHHHHHH!   :)     To be honest that didn't even cross my mind....   Mum's the word.



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