Author Topic: Recall after leaving voicemail  (Read 1125 times)

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Recall after leaving voicemail
« on: June 04, 2019, 09:39:19 AM »
I have an incoming call that is being sent to to a STAR. Business hours calls are then sent through three CRA to ring a hunt group. The hunt group has two to four members. If no one answers, the call will go to voice mail. Theres a similar call path, but rather than ring a group it will go to an individual extn before going to voice mail.

My customer would like to automatically return to ringing the same group (or individual line) after leaving the voice mail message. Any ideas on how this would be done?

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Re: Recall after leaving voicemail
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2019, 09:45:33 AM »

The call has been answered by Voice Mail and they left a message the call can't be returned to group and why would the caller want to be; at that point they expect a call back.

The problem you have here is that the Voice Mail doesn't know where the all came from to send it back to that device; if it is a Hunt Group.

The only thing you could try is instead of Recalling the caller to Voice Mail you Overflow them to Voice Mail and tell the user to finish the Voice Mail by pressing #; I think it is #. That way the call doesn't leave the Hunt Group and keeps its position in queue, but that is not normal or expected by any caller to leave a message if they are going to continue to stay in the Hunt Group; who would.

Are you sure that you understood what the customer really wants?



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Re: Recall after leaving voicemail
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2019, 10:55:06 AM »
Yes, thats what they really want to do. The customer's position is "other systems do it".
We'll propose changes in how they use the phone system rather than changing the phone system.

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Re: Recall after leaving voicemail
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2019, 11:07:00 AM »

First of all I don't know of any base phone system that will send a caller to a Hunt Group after the caller has left a voice mail message.

Secondly, it is never a good idea to try to make a new phone system emulate the old phone system features that are not native to both; it never really works out exactly.

What you could do is find a solution to the problem with the equipment you do have or propose additional equipment that will solve the problem. What is the customers reasoning behind wanting this feature or functionality in the first place; is the first question you have to ask. Once you get a firm grasp on their business process requirements then maybe the MiVO-250 has a better solution than the old system without doing something that doesn't really fit with the feature set of the MiVO-250.




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