Hi TE,
License keys can be provided via PM, email, or phone. Paid customers will always get phone support. If there is enough traction with the program I will develop a web portal for customers to manage their keys. I hate draconian licensing so this program has simple licensing that presumes innocence rather than guilt. Licenses can be sold directly to the customer so the Mitel dealers can make some cash. Customers can contact me directly with issues.
Scripting is nice, but I wanted something that techs of all skill levels could use, could inform the controller of the proper file lengths, handle silence padding, mix and match whichever codec they wanted,and finally import directly to mailbox name recordings ( this will released shortly). Also I wanted other tech's opinions so I could improve the software thru updates.
True on 6.2 you can import .wav to audiotex, but not to a mailbox. This is why I am adding mailbox import and export, to provide something even for 6.2 users. Expect the new mailbox import export feature shortly. Thanks for downloading!