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Messages - PC77375

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Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: MiVoice Business - AMC Sync
« on: August 01, 2024, 11:21:01 AM »
A good test to verify SSH connectivity from your PC, use Putty.

Open SSH connection to

If you are able to send outbound then you will be greeted with a message "login as"

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: MiVoice Business - AMC Sync
« on: August 01, 2024, 11:16:02 AM »
The address to sync is hard coded in the software, unless you opt to use a proxy.
Make sure that SSH common TCP port 22 outbound connections are permitted through your firewall from any mitel host to the public hosts and

If your network is using a proxy, then you would either want to allow internal Mitel hosts to bypass the proxy or allow these outbound connections within your proxy server.

Whenever I've had trouble with outbound calls with analog lines it was because the Mitel was trying to dial out before the lines were ready to receive the digits. The solution was to add a one second delay before the digits were outpulsed.
The way to do that is to add a tone detect in the digit mod.  It looks something like this: <T01>.
The <T01> refers to the tone detect plan.  I usually programmed it to wait one second for a tone I knew it would never detect.


This did not work. I always face the strangest issues.

Check Class of Service to make sure this can be done

Check Class of Service for what?

Whenever I've had trouble with outbound calls with analog lines it was because the Mitel was trying to dial out before the lines were ready to receive the digits. The solution was to add a one second delay before the digits were outpulsed.
The way to do that is to add a tone detect in the digit mod.  It looks something like this: <T01>.
The <T01> refers to the tone detect plan.  I usually programmed it to wait one second for a tone I knew it would never detect.

Thanks Ralph! I will give it a shot. Do you have anything on timeout for that tone detection plan?

This is what I have now-

ARS Digit Modification Plans
Digit Modification Number   Number of Digits to Absorb   Digits to be Inserted   Final Tone Plan/Information Marker
   1                                                               1                                   <T01>   

ARS Call Progress Tone Detection
Tone Plan Number   Maximum Wait For A Tone   Action on Time-out
   1                                          1   

I will report results when someone can test during their business hours.

It's the oddest thing, it just started up a few weeks ago...or at least that is when it was reported to have started.
I wonder what could have changed that would suddenly cause 18 analog lines to stop working all at once.
Embedded as well as the primary and backup ASU. If it were just embedded lines, failed AMB would be my first guess.

Having an issue with analog lines unable to dial outbound to any internal or external numbers.
Calls to the analog device are successful and able to be answered.

COR is correct.
Behavior is the same on 2 universal ASU's and embedded.

This system is located in Singapore and should be configured similar to UK analogs.

Country location is UK in Licenses and options form.  Did a database restore to rule out any type of DB corruption.

Any ideas?

Mitel Software Applications / MSL licensing to AMC
« on: June 09, 2023, 09:40:03 AM »
I have an interesting issue- MSL version 10.5-15.0 was using a local proxy to sync to AMC.
The MSL is located in France, the proxy in UK.
Trying to reinstall MBG SW blade on failure gives me an export error- AMC support said it is because the proxy is in a different country and this created the export issue.

Tried to clear the proxy configuration so I can license the server directly and MSL insists on still using the proxy config.
SSH into the server, NSlookup of and resolve correctly to the internet address.

Tried clearing the DNS cache, rebooting, nothing will stop this machine from using the proxy.
No active SWA on the system so I cannot contact support.
Any ideas?


Mitel Software Applications / Re: Goodbye NUPM advanced UM M365
« on: June 04, 2023, 03:42:11 PM »
Put in an MBG and allow the NuPoint IP to use it as a relay server.  Register the MBG to O365 with OAuth2.
This is tested and working? Do you have specifics on configuring this?

For advanced UM or smtp? I don

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Goodbye NUPM advanced UM M365
« on: May 24, 2023, 12:27:42 PM »
Put in an MBG and allow the NuPoint IP to use it as a relay server.  Register the MBG to O365 with OAuth2.
This is tested and working? Do you have specifics on configuring this?

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Name Tag huntgroup
« on: April 17, 2023, 12:21:18 PM »
That is a property that carriers with the call throughout the duration... the only way to stop it would be it to go the COS of the phones at the terminating end and remove the ability to see caller ID at all... Not sure that would show the name of the group/business you are looking for though.

I named the hunt group as the business and wanted the name of the hunt group to show.
I did figure out a workaround, using my securelogix. PRI masking plan that changes all caller ID to the DID and added that external number to the teldir. I think this will satisfy my needs. Once again, Mitel falls short and I have to rely on 3rd party to make something work.  :P

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Name Tag huntgroup
« on: April 14, 2023, 12:52:54 PM »
I've got nothing. I cannot get the external caller ID to stop displaying.

DID --> name tag HG in UK (Reroute Always to France Nupoint pilot) --> Call director mailbox answers- plays greeting then call is supervised transfer to hunt group in France.  Call rings member agent.

The flow works as expected.
How do I override the originating external caller ID and ONLY show the name of the first nametag huntgroup that rerouted?

Free licenses until the end of the year??

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: 6940 portal access MiVB 8.0 PR3
« on: April 13, 2023, 05:11:23 PM »
If I recall, the username was "root" and the password must be set in the "System Security Management" form.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Name Tag huntgroup
« on: April 13, 2023, 05:05:48 PM »
Can someone she some light on name tag hunt groups?

I need to have a UK DID number forwarded on-net to a Mitel PBX in France but I do not want the originating caller ID to appear.

I created a name tag huntgroup on UK PBX and set to call forward to any extension. When the call is forwarded it displays the originating external callers ID.
I prefer it to display the name tag hunt group teldir name  *BUSINESS*NAME*

I also tried to forward the name tag hunt group to nupoint call director flow in France- the mailbox answers and the call flow works, but the same result on txfr calls the originating external caller ID is displayed.

The point of this exercise is to create a dedicated customer support number for a client. It will ring to call director for scheduling purposes and transfer to either ext/ring group/hunt group during business hours and a voicemail box after hours.

Maybe COS or FCOS option that I am missing??

Never a dull moment!

Mitel Software Applications / Goodbye NUPM advanced UM M365
« on: December 28, 2022, 10:56:04 AM »
Oauth2 will be putting standalone NUPM adv UM to rest soon enough. The Microsoft deadline is fast approaching for basic auth permanent disablement.
Does anyone know of any Oauth2 proxy or a way to keep this alive without having to upgrade??
Is there some kind of patch available? Something? Anything?

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