There’s good information on the + and E functions in the help file. Open your Call Routing Table (CRT) and press F1 for help.
The + entry will match any digits, so it can sometimes cause issues. For example, my main office has 300 DID numbers. Only the administrative, billing and technical support numbers have different night routing; the remaining 297 numbers have the same routing day and night. The day CRT has all 300 numbers; the night CRT has only 3 entries and a + entry. The + entry points the remaining numbers to the day CRT. This saves having to build and maintain a huge night table.
Enough background, on with troubleshooting. We can probably assume that the DID number is good. After all, it’s in the middle of the block and it does come into the system. Start at the CO Trunk Group and follow the routing. What CRT is listed for day ring-in destination? Go to that CRT and look for a match for DID 2052. Start at the top of the table and work down. You’re looking a match in the Pattern column; the Description doesn’t matter. Remember, as soon as a match is found the call will be routed.
If you can’t a find match, you could create a new DID entry and drag it to the top of the table. You could also play with an E entry, in case there are no digits being sent.