I have been frustrated for years that there hasn't been a better effort by Mitel to help those in the field use this feature. And I think it's laughable that the only thing they have done recently is the Web Server application for live content. Do they honestly believe that a technician who has to spend all of his/her time working on phone issues can also double up as an HTML webdesigner? If I knew how to do that, I would be doing that job full time, making more money than I do right now.
I would also like to caution that make sure the size of the screensaver file is not too big. I have loaded on our system a screensaver with four pictures that is about 3.5 Mb, but anything bigger, and the phone doesn't want to use it. I am sure that with the proper photo resizing and compression, the file sizes could be much smaller, but still maintain their clarity. I need to keep experimenting.
I am attaching some files I created, as example of what can be done (and I am sure some of you out there are anxious to see something else on your own phone besides flowers and moutains). I will state that these pictures are probably not really appropriate for the front lobby of your business or your demo room, but you should be okay. The labeled "BWPrincess" is a 5340 monochrome screensaver, the other two are 5360 phones. "princess" and "vavoom" are 1950's pinup pictures (nothing raunchy!) and "covers" is a collection of comic book covers. Enjoy!