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Messages - RNJack

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Hello all,

We're using Mitel's Phone Manager Desktop and having some audio issues such as audio fading in/out and 2-3 second delays while speaking. We're using a mix of Jabra Evolve 65 and Jabra Pro 935 headsets. I believe this may be attributed to a misconfigured network so I wanted to post here to see if there is a configuration I am missing. My MCS server and softphones are configured on VLAN 10 the MiVoice 250 is setup on VLAN 9 with NAT to facilitate the communications. Is this an optimal setup for our system? Should I be configuring QoS on VLAN 10 for specific ports?  Does the MCS Server need to be on VLAN 9 instead? We do utilize a VPN for remote users that is on VLAN 11 and it also uses NAT to VLAN 9 & 10 however we're experiencing the issues on and off of the VPN.

Any help is appreciated.

I'm in the process of migrating (deleting and re-creating) some of our users from 52xx/53xx devices to the Phone Manager client as their only device. This is mostly working except for three issues that I could use some advise on.

  • The extension shows as unplugged on the Receptionist Console
  • External users connecting via VPN sometimes have audio delays

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Phone Inventory: Model Details
« on: February 18, 2021, 09:12:31 AM »
I was afraid that was the answer... Thanks for the response!

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Phone Inventory: Model Details
« on: February 17, 2021, 05:16:26 PM »
Is there a way to collect inventory information on phones connected to the MiVoice 250? I'm trying to determine how many of my phones have gigabit ethernet. I can see model numbers in the "Resource & device info" tab but it doesn't tell me if it is a 5340 vs a 5340e. If anyone has a way to get this information I would appreciate it.


Thanks for clarifying that TE.

Just read through the manual it will all make more sense once you do that. You can run through the MBG if you don't want to open ports up directly to the MCS or MiVO-250.

I did see this in the manual, however, the Security > Port Forwarding menu is disabled when using it in server-only mode. I'd prefer to have the MBG behind my firewall but by doing so I seem to remove the option that is supported.

Configuring Port Forwarding for Phone Manager Mobile

Complete the following configuration on the MBG:
On the 'MBG Security -> Port Forwarding' page, create the port forwarding rules for TCP 8185 with the
Destination Host IP Address pointing to the IP address of the MCS host.

If using a Softphone then configure the following port forwarding:
On the 'MBG Security -> Port Forwarding' page, create the port forwarding rules for TCP 8190 with the
Destination Host IP Address pointing to the IP address of the MCS host

I am kind of confused as to why your Mitel Vendor isn't doing this work for you since they are the ones trained for this and have support from Mitel, but I guess they are doing so well they don't need your money.

They don't know how to do it. I've had several calls with them where they've gotten stuck and between that and their misleading licensing I've decided to take the problem into my own hands... with the support of mitelforums  ;D

On your firewall, you just need to port forward ports 8185 (config info) and 8190 (softphone audio) to the Phone Manager server internal IP (not the MiVO 250).

Thanks for responding lowradiation; That's very helpful.

This may be a stupid question but what's the difference between forwarding to the MiVO 250 vs the Phone Manager? Does the Phone Manager have an additional layer of authentication? Also, since the Phone Manager is accepting external connections, should the server be in my DMZ?

Hi TE.

That's a great question. I have Mitel Phone Manager Outlook licenses and Mitel Phone Manager Mobility licenses. I had asked my Mitel Partner for a method to connect mobile users and that's what they provided but as I'm learning more I'm concerned that those aren't a mobile softphone like I was led to believe. After I purchased the aforementioned licenses and I was setting everything up it became clear that they were expecting me to port-forward everything to my Phone Manager/MiVoice 250. I pushed back and they suggested getting a Mitel Border Gateway which I did, but I didn't buy any additional licensees because they told me that I could run it as a reverse web proxy without licenses where my mobile phones could establish a connection without being directly connected to the internal systems. According to the MBG Installation guide this seems correct but I notice that it only mentions MiCollab and I don't see any mention of the Phone Manager/MiVoice 250.

Now the Mitel Partner is suggesting port forwarding the traffic through the MBG to the MiVoice 250 which seems no different then just port forwarding straight to the MiVoice 250.. I'm losing my mind with this project.

My organization is trying to become more flexible with our telephony due to a greater remote presence but we're running into a few snags. We have a MiVoice 250 and I've installed a Mitel Phone Manager to connect softphones over a VPN. That's working fine but we'd also like to setup some mobile workers on their cell phones that don't have a VPN. I installed a Mitel Border Gateway to act as a reverse web proxy instead of port forwarding directly to our MiVoice 250 but it doesn't seem to support this configuration even though my Mitel vendor stated that it does. Any suggestions for getting this to work correctly? I'm using the Mitel Border Gateway in Server-Only mode so that it can sit behind my firewall in a DMZ. I'd refer not to connect it as an edge device.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / mail.mainlog empty
« on: October 30, 2020, 03:24:34 PM »
Occasionally I'll have a user that will stop receiving emailed voicemails but other users receive them without issue. We're using Enhanced Integration

I first check their individual settings and credentials. If everything looks good I go to the mail.mainlog to troubleshoot further. Lately, the mail.mainlog is 0kb and a couple of days old. I've fixed this issue in the past by restarting the appliance but I would like to know if anyone has seen this and if there is a way to restart the exim mail server without restarting the entire appliance. I'd also appreciate any help in tracking down why exim appears to be locking up for some users but not others.

jbbts' suggestion solved the issue for me. We had the cell phone ringing for 30 seconds, reducing it to 20 seconds properly placed the call into the PBX's voicemail.

I did try Tech Electronics' suggestion, however, the user reported that they when they answere4d the call, they could hear the tone ringing instead of getting the caller. When they hung up the voicemail still correctly transferred to the PBX. I turned off the tone and it seemed to work as intended.

We're forwarding most user's calls to their cell phones with Dynamic Extension. A requirement was that the voicemail would end up on the PBX and not on the user's cell phone if the call was missed.

To facilitate this I had their Direct Dial ring for 1 second before ringing to the mobile number and then transferring it again to the user's voicemail after 30 seconds. Aside from a delay from the person dialing to the person answering on their cell phone, this has worked. However, I have one user who's missed calls get stuck on their cell phone and won't transfer back.

Any ideas on why their phone isn't completing the Dynamic Extension path? 

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