New rule for our techs... If you get a ticket that a system is in license violation and nothing has changed, leave it for 24 hours.
We had a little incident that caused a stir because of this... We see this from time to time, and the solution is always just go to the element that is the DLM, copy the DLM ARID number to the clipboard, turn off the setting that sets that element as the DLM and save... then paste the ARID back in, turn on this element is the DLM, and save, then do a SDS sync. Done it 100's of times. Well, if AMC is down for several hours, you can't put those settings back in and save it, it errors out. After several hours in that state with nothing defined as the DLM, it seems that nodes get confused with no DLM existing and throw alarms to AMC and back to us (weird how that worked, but AMC didn't). Then once all the AMC stuff got straightened outand it was working properly, we tried to put it back in and it still wouldn't take, after working with support we had to clear the SYSID out of every element defined in that group on AMC, setup the DLM and get it syncing, then resync each element. Luckily this was a smaller cluster with only a handful of MCD's, had it been a bigger one it could have been a real PIA.