Author Topic: Query Legacy Calls with Mitel Database API  (Read 1411 times)

Offline truesolutions

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Query Legacy Calls with Mitel Database API
« on: February 14, 2017, 10:17:47 PM »
Trying to workout a way to Query Legay Call recording

I have managed  to use oigschema.phone_view  and oigschema.user_view to see what extensions linked to a user
using the rest data api that Mitel has "{serverIP}/mitel/oig/rest/resources/v1/databases"
Plus managed to get call monitoring  etc working using web services

But cant see any way to search legacy calls (Mainly as dont know what the tables names are to query on)
Their was part of the api that show how to list all the views  {baseUrl}/views?databaseId 
And its had lots of views but nothing seem to allow look up of call history

Also could not seem to get any of the mvg view to return data

So my question is,
1) Does any one have a list of tables that we can query ?
    (Or can we only query against these views)

2) How could I query to find details about a call from the callId that I stored at time of call?

3) How could I query calls from an extension and specified number received call from (to find the call id) ?

4) Any ideas wht the MVG views all return nothing ?

View I know about (ref {baseUrl}/views?databaseId  )
[Database] [View Name]
oig      public.license
oig      public.applications
oig      public.highavailability
mvg      public.user_top5favorites_view
mvg      public.user_incoming_calls_view
mvg      public.users_config_info
mvg      public.users_wrapup_actions
mvg      public.users_call_info
mvg      public.user_outgoing_calls_view
mvg      public.default_wrapup_actions
mvg      public.users_favorites
mvg      public.user_favorites_view
mvg      public.default_canned_notes
mvg      public.users_canned_notes
mvg      public.user_missed_calls_view
mitelzmcd_data      oigschema.group_view
mitel_mcd_data      oigschema.telephone_directory_view
mitel_mcd_data      oigschema.cor_view
mitel_mcd_data      oigschema.phone_info_view
mitel_mcd_data      oigschema.user_view
mitel_mcd_data      oigschema.phone_view
mitel_mcd_data      oigschema.cos_view
mitel_mcd_data      oigschema.icp_view


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