Failure to successfully connect to the Exchange or Office 365 server
When configuring the Exchange or Office 365 server from the Enterprise Tab of the MiCollab
Client Administration Tool, the following error can be encountered when testing the connection:
Invalid calendar server credentials
If this error is encountered, perform the following steps:
1. Re-enter the credentials and click the Test Connection button again to rule out spelling
2. Ensure that no one in your organization has changed the password for the account being
used for MiCollab Client-Exchange integration.
3. Verify that the IIS Webserver on the Exchange server has enabled at least one of Basic or
Digest authentication mechanism. MiCollab Client Service does not support NTLM authentication
mechanism (also known as Windows Authentication) and will fail authentication if
that is the only type of authentication enabled on Exchange server. To verify this, do the
a. PuTTY onto the MiCollab Client Service and run the following command. Replace the
Exchange URL and user/password with one reflecting your configuration. If you
have enabled only digest authentication on the Exchange server, then change the –-basic to –-digest in the curl command options:
Ccurl -v --insecure --basic -u 'administrator:password' -d '' This command should NOT return 401/403 response codes. If it does, then you may
need to enable Basic/Digest authentication on the Exchange server. More specifically,
look at the HTTP headers shown in the curl response. The WWW-Authenticate headers
should contain Basic and/or Digest (for example, WWW-Authenticate: Digest
qop="auth",... OR WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="10.101...). If the
response has only NTLM header (such as WWW-Authenticate: NTLM), then your
Exchange server is configured for only NTLM.
4. To enable Basic/Digest authentication (this applies for Windows Server 2003 R2 – your
exact steps may vary):
a. Start IIS Manager: Start -> All programs -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information
Services (IIS) Manager.
b. Navigate to EWS: (Local computer -> Web Sites -> Default Web Site -> EWS).
c. Right click -> Properties -> Directory Security -> Authentication and access control
-> Edit.
d. Check Digest, Basic, or both. Apply and Save.
e. From the DOS prompt, enter: iisreset.exe /RESTART
f. Attempt the curl command again. The curl command may show a 500 response, which
is acceptable. It should not show a 401/403 response.
• For Exchange 2013 server, see