Author Topic: UCA SDK Events  (Read 1208 times)

Offline All2Ezy Software

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UCA SDK Events
« on: August 10, 2016, 11:28:31 PM »
After weeks of struggling, we have finally managed to get our CRM system working with the UCA TelephonyProxy.dll interface.

What I now need is some documentation on the Listener events and in particular which events to expect in which circumstances. Currently we are logging them to a text file to try and make some sense of the sequence.

For example, I would always expect an offering event for incoming calls, followed by a connect event if we pick up the call. We are not always seeing that.

Additionally we are seeing unexplained disconnect events and ringback events without any name or phone number being provided.

Overall, things just feel off and that's not to mention the fact that in Australia a leading Zero allows us to identify interstate and mobile phone numbers, yet they seem to be stripped before the listener gets them.

So, can anyone point me in the right direction because the Mitel portal has nothing that I can see on this subject.


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