Good day team i'm having an issue with this 3300 cx which keeps booting, it has one E1/T1 and a 4 CIM port card on there.
here's a copy of the captured log..
Appying the Default Dsp Business Option
copying file /sysro/DspConfig/DSP_Default/DSPType3300.txt -> /sysro/DspConfig//DSPType3300.txt
copying file /sysro/DspConfig/DSP_Default/DSPTypeCX.txt -> /sysro/DspConfig//DSPTypeCX.txt
copying file /sysro/DspConfig/DSP_Default/DSPTypeEmerald.txt -> /sysro/DspConfig//DSPTypeEmerald.txt
copying file /sysro/DspConfig/DSP_Default/DSPTypeMXe.txt -> /sysro/DspConfig//DSPTypeMXe.txt
Dsp Config Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/dspConfig3XXX.txt"
Dsp Card Type Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/DspCardTypeCx.txt"
Dsp Type Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/DSPTypeCX.txt"
Dsp Static Loading Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/Loading3XXX.txt"
StartUp - Booting DSP card in slot 1 (1-based)
machine check
Exception next instruction address: 0x0019906c
Machine Status Register: 0x0004b030
Condition Register: 0x20000848
Task: 0x3a9d000 "tAppStartup"
ignore dup exception
machine check
Exception next instruction address: 0x0019906c
Machine Status Register: 0x0004b030
Condition Register: 0x20000848
Exception current instruction address: 0x00000000
Machine Status Register: 0x0008b032
Condition Register: 0x40000048
Task: 0x3a9a900 "SysPreMort0"
ignore dup exception
Exception current instruction address: 0x00000000
Machine Status Register: 0x0008b032
Condition Register: 0x40000048
Task SysPreMort0 being deleted while ACTIVE
Raised Critical Alarm on Stale Tasks
RaiseAlarm alarm severity critical, forcing machine shutdown
WARNING-System shutdown requested by task: tTMonitor
Critical Alarm being raised upon detecting the following task suspended: tAppStartup taskId 0x3a9d000 crash time WED JUN 15 16:36:43 2016