Author Topic: 5610 Dect showing Page Error  (Read 1837 times)

Offline miphoneman

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5610 Dect showing Page Error
« on: May 20, 2016, 04:16:03 PM »
Replaced a dead 5610 with a replacement. Firmware on base and phone is 2.0. Getting lots of "dead" phone problems. The handset when you press the "dial/on" button says "User Busy". When you dial that number, it shows/says "Busy". Checking logs in the 3300, the phone is not re-registering, so it is showing sip busy. Major problem is that every 60-62 seconds, you get an activity bar (ticket tape style) across the bottom of the screen, which eventually clears the screen and gives the message "Page not found: Timeout." I can't find anything in documentation or logs that mention this problem, especially the scrolling across the bottom of the screen. I have checked all the timers and can't find anything set to 60 seconds. SIP Trace shows that 2401 is calling 2401 (the phone calling itself). Problem is, that there is not a SIP trace for every minute. Have looked for any features against the phone and can't find anything (callback, etc.)


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