Author Topic: Configuring Mitel 5320e IP Phone in SIP mode.  (Read 7081 times)

Offline nbesteman2136

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Configuring Mitel 5320e IP Phone in SIP mode.
« on: April 07, 2016, 10:40:15 AM »
Documentation I have run across says that the VLAN must be set to 41 and the TFTP SVR IP ADDRESS" to When I do not set these values in the 'Restore Defaults' --> SIP Mode --> Modify Values selections, the phone accesses DHCP and receives IP, subnet and gateway information. When, however, I go in and set the VLAN AND TFTP SVR IP ADDRESS values during the configuration in SIP mode as indicated, the phone suddenly loses all the IP, subnet and gateway information...Any suggestions?

Offline acejavelin

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Re: Configuring Mitel 5320e IP Phone in SIP mode.
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2016, 10:49:44 AM »
I didn't think the 5320e was a dual mode phone... What documentation? This would vary based on your installation, there is no generic settings.

EDIT: I spoke to soon... It is dual mode, had a 5320e on the bench and threw it into SIP mode. Remember that in order to get SIP mode, you MUST either have it point to a 5000 or 3300 system or have the files from one. Once it is placed in SIP mode, only the bootloader is changed and their is no SIP 'MAIN' application, it needs firmware and Mitel never released a standalone firmware package for the 5320e phone. With Main Load SIP (from a 5000 system running a current 6.1 release) there is definitely a Static QOS page and it takes manual VLAN configuration with no problems. The phone recognizes DHCP option 43 in SIP mode for basic network information.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 11:13:51 AM by acejavelin »

Offline nbesteman2136

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Re: Configuring Mitel 5320e IP Phone in SIP mode.
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2016, 11:35:31 AM »
Thank you for the response. I posted another question about my situation. I'll also paste it below this paragraph. This new post specifically relates to your mention of the Static QOS page, along with other important information...

  Also could you help me better understand '5000 or 3300 system' and 'standalone firmware package'? Apologies for my ignorance but am just learning the basics of this phone as others prior to me originally configured it...


When commanding the Mitel 5320e to 'Restore Defaults', selecting SIP mode on reboot, but then not holding down the Menu key on the subsequent reboot, the phone receives an IP address, subnet mask, gateway, etc...but the VLAN and TFTP Server IP are inaccurate or blank. If I then, in the 'Change Network Parameters' menu, go to enter the VLAN (41) and TFTP ( info as indicated in my Star2Star documentation , the phone suddenly loses its IP address, subnet mask and gateway information.
  If, before attempting to enter the VLAN and TFTP values, I type the phone's assigned IP address into my web-browser, I come to a page which requests that I enter the TFTP Server IP ( and submit. This leads to another page where I am asked to wait while the phone reboots. The phone does indeed reboot but is no more usable than described before and the webpage asking me to wait for the phone reboot eventually gives the error message that the request has timed out.

 If, however, I command the Mitel 5320e to 'Restore Defaults', select SIP mode on reboot and then hold down the Menu key on subsequent reboot, I proceed to enter both the VLAN (41) and TFTP Server IP ( as my Star2Star VOIP documentation indicates. After doing this I do hear a dial-tone when picking up the handset, but the phone does not receive an IP, subnet mask, or gateway, and attempting to dial a number results in a busy tone with the error message, "No proxy configured"...
    Also, the display only gives me the message "Page Not Found...disp username" If I press the Menu key and then navigate to Settings --> ADMIN TOOLS --> NETWORK SETTINGS, the display prompts me for a password which I did not set. I have tried all obvious default passwords but they all simply return me to the 'NETWORK SETTINGS' page.
    If, in the 'ADMIN TOOLS' page I select '1. DEVICE PARAMETERS' selecting either 'Review' or 'Next' only brings me to a page with 'SOFTWARE VERSION' at the top and pressing 'Review' or 'Next' only brings me to a page with 'MAC ADDRESS' at the top and pressing 'Review' or 'Next' again returns me to the 'SOFTWARE VERSION' page, and pressing either again brings me back to 'MAC ADDRESS', etc...with no helpful info or options visible...

    Any information on any of these conditions would be greatly appreciated...
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 11:47:03 AM by nbesteman2136 »

Offline acejavelin

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Re: Configuring Mitel 5320e IP Phone in SIP mode.
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2016, 02:15:40 PM »
Thank you for the response. I posted another question about my situation. I'll also paste it below this paragraph. This new post specifically relates to your mention of the Static QOS page, along with other important information...

  Also could you help me better understand '5000 or 3300 system' and 'standalone firmware package'? Apologies for my ignorance but am just learning the basics of this phone as others prior to me originally configured it...
Please do not post multiple posts all over the place about the same topic, many people here work for living and don't just sit on their PCs waiting to answer questions... this is a discussion forum site were we try to assist each other and answer questions, not paid technical support, have patience and if your question isn't responded to in 48-72 hours, bump it up nicely (, preferably adding more information if you have any.

5000 refers to the Mitel MiVoice office 250, formerly known as the Inter-tel or Mitel 5000 system.

3300 refers to the Mitel MiVoice Business platform, encompassing the 3300 hardware platforms, Mitel Communications Director, and and various virtual platforms as well.

A stand-alone firmware package is either an official Mitel release of SIP firmware, which hasn't happened since 2009, or a copy of the firmware TFTP files from one of the above controllers.

Your issues are so spread out and so befuddled it is difficult to address them all in one place.

From another thread, you were looking for the default password, normally this is the model name, but it doesn't work on the 5320e phone (not for me at least, neither 5320 nor 5320e with a username of admin). Which is odd but doesn't overly surprise me since the 5320 was never really a dual-mode phone. I was frankly surprised it has a SIP mode since it was never officially released or marketed that way and Mitel has dropped SIP support for MiNET devices some time ago.

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Re: Configuring Mitel 5320e IP Phone in SIP mode.
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2016, 07:05:07 PM »
I don't have a 5320 available here, but has any tried 5330 variants for passwords. Never tried sip on the 20 series, I would think it's closest to the 30 and who knows what Mitel does in firmware for sip on these models


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