Hey Guys,
I won't bore you with the details why, but I am so close to achieving what I need to do - wondering if anyone knows how it is done - shared my batch file as well in case it helps anyone else
I am writing a batch file which will run every hour from a local machine and pull out new VM recordings\convert to wav and put them on a dropbox, I was almost finished but then ran into the road block where it seems the VM files are obfuscated and it is a requirement that I have the number associated with the VM - sort of how you get it when you do VM to EMAIL and it comes as a WAV
PS, I can not use SMPT the 3300 controller is completely offline
Tools I used;
- WINSCP to handle proper timestamp and better than windows ftp client
- sox for audio conversion
My Main Batch File:
@echo off
echo *
echo * Process Recordings for Processing
echo * Gavan Walker
echo * 21.10.2015
echo *
echo * Grabbing VoiceMail Messages
echo *start /wait winscp /script=commandsv2.dat
echo * Copy Raw files for processing
robocopy c:\temp\raw c:\temp\temp
echo * Renaming Files to Correct readable Timestamps
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd c:\temp\temp
ren *.* *.raw
for /r %%i in (*.raw) do ( C:\sox\Sox.exe -r 8000 -t raw -L -G -e u-law -b 8 -c 1 --norm %%i c:\temp\processed\%%~ni.wav )
FYI if anyone else is interested, the commandsv2.dat contents are:
*YYYY is Voicebox number
*XXX is your Mitel Admin password
option batch abort
option confirm off
open ftp://Gavan:XXXX@
synchronize -nopreservetime -criteria=none local c:\temp\raw /vmail/d/vm/grp/YYYY
the above scrips retrieves the contents of the VM & then processes to WAV - however I need to get the associated phone number from the recording - the file names: (2 VM examples below);
V562599b3.00dIt is easy enough to get them out, convert them to a wav format -> but how can I get the associated number which left the VM?
Hoping the name just needs to be converted with some basic function.
Any help would really be appreciated.