When you get that error are you sure that no one is currently logged in as 1100?
How can you be sure of that; do you have software that tracks that for you?
Have you had everyone log out, not go into DND, but actually log out at the same time and then try to log that agent in?
It seems that two people may actually be using the same Agent ID, which is not good. You could send out an email and have everyone respond with the Agent ID that they use to see if there is some confusion.
If you have them use the codes 326 and 327 you can pick and choose which groups the agent is logged into. If using 326 I believe that if they use the # key they can log into several groups at one time. This way you can put all Agent IDs in all groups and then they log in as needed. The feature code 328 does not allow for that flexibility as it logs them into and out of all groups at the same time.