Author Topic: Lync 365 and MiCollab  (Read 1975 times)

Offline akuhn

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Lync 365 and MiCollab
« on: June 29, 2015, 09:24:46 AM »
Hopefully, this isn't too arcane of a question.  We are not a Lync shop at this time.  We are a MiCollab shop (on premise 5000 and on premise MAS) when it comes to Instant Messaging and presence.

I am thinking about upgrading our aging Office 2010 Suite to Office 2013 via the Office 365 route.  First with just the ProPlus 365 route, but ultimately with the full Enterprise Office 365 including Lync.

While I am a fan of MiCollab - I even upload staff pictures for the directory - user adoption is sparse.  I am predicting a better adoption of IM tools if I switch to Lync. 

My impression of previous integration between Lync and Mitel was that it was based on an on-premise Microsoft Communicator/Lync server.  Lync via Office 365 is probably just different enough to be an issue.   So, has anyone worked with Lync on 365 and UCA/MiCollab?

BTW, here is a good discussion on Spiceworks:

and a Mitel PDF


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