we are running a 16 node 3300 cluster. 13 controllers in a GARID - they are all running MCD 5.0 SP2 including the DLM for our application group licensing. newer controllers that have been purchased have come installed with MCD 6.0
i had our vendor add our MCD 6.0 controllers to the GARID, follow the sync proceedure from the DLM:
open the "Application Group Licensing" form, select 'Change', and then 'Save' then do a system wide sync - specifically to sync the Application Group Licensing forms. everything SEEMS to sync fine but by the end, i get an "Internal System Error" for ALL MCD 6.0 controllers. I check the logs and find that it failed to sync the Application Group Licensing forms, hosted services forms, admin groups, admin group members. . . and so one
It synces the RDN, Telephone directory, etc just fine, just nothing. i get my added form for License Distribution and members on the MCD 6 controllers and it they add to the members list but its not populated with the added shared licenses and the shared licenses are not available to it - NO license violation - a
My first thought is to upgrade the DLM to MCD 6.0. is that the logical approach in this case?