Author Topic: ARS by calling Extension?  (Read 1914 times)

Offline krybchynski

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ARS by calling Extension?
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:21:21 PM »
Has anyone ever set up the 5000 to do ARS(so that the 911 routing works properly) but so that it will pick a trunk group based on the dialing extension?  I know I can choose my outgoing extension but then as soon as you dial 9(yes we are renumbered for 9 outgoing) you get external dialtone and if you dial 11 (9-11) you fail at the CO.  This is the first time we have tried to set this up on a system where the two different floors of the building want to use different outgoing LS trunks.  If it were up to me I would have them use a PRI and then we just define the outgoing CLID per set and everyone can use every channel, Unfortunately that isn't how it was sold.  I was hoping to set up a COS that would direct callers in one restriction to one Facility group and another to the second, but it seems that as soon as you hit a match that is your facility group no matter what your COS is.  Any Help would be appreciated.

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Re: ARS by calling Extension?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 06:15:45 PM »
How did you designate the outgoing emergency extension? If it's ARS, try entering the specific trunk group you want to be used and it should over ride ARS programming.

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Re: ARS by calling Extension?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 10:40:00 PM »

First off if you want to use ARS (Numbering Plan) then you must understand how it works. No matter what you have set it will alway, and I mean ALWAYS, use Route Group 1.

So to fix your problem we need to fix route group 1 to be 911 Only calls; simple. Create a Facility Group that has 911 as it's only matching digits and it's Trunk Groups to be those that you want to use for each floor. Make sure that the Trunk Groups only allow the phones that should be dialing 911 from each floor out on Emergency Calls. Next create a new route group and put it at the top. Within that route group put in your 911 facility group and viola your 911 should work using ARS.

Personally though it may be easier to just use the Emergency Extension as the Trunk Group that you want to use for each floor. Just make sure that if you are set for ARS Only that the Trunk Groups Toll Restriction is set to Exempt for ARS Only.



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Re: ARS by calling Extension?
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2015, 08:50:23 AM »
I'm not the one who set it up originally(we have mitel certified installers who do that) I am the guy who supports it after the fact.  But I think I can piece together something from your advice.  I forgot that I can set out going access on each trunk group and if I put both trunk groups into the facility groups for all of my ARS I can have every set call out from whichever trunk group I set it up for.  Thanks for the help everybody.


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