Author Topic: Transfer to Hold  (Read 4596 times)

Offline #928

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Transfer to Hold
« on: January 29, 2015, 05:32:26 PM »
Hello everyone,

I am trying to duplicate call park(Nortel) and have an indicator that a call is waiting.  We are using 5320's with six phantoms programmed as PKM/DSS  keys on all of the phones.  The transfer to hold works and the calls can be picked up.  What I am missing is the indicator that a call is waiting on one of the phantoms.  Is this possible??

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Transfer to Hold
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 07:13:01 PM »

Sure it is possible, but not the way you currently have it setup. What you need to do is create a Hunt Group that has that phantom as its only member. Then program a key on your phone that is for the Hunt Group, I normally label these are Park Keys in the Description and Username of the Hunt Group.

Now, just send the call to the Hunt Group instead of transfering to hold on the Phantom port. If you want it to timeout and go somewhere then just set the Recall Timer to the desired time limit and then set the Recall destination to where you would want it to go.

This way the call is parked and disconnected from all other timers except the hunt group timers and gives you more control over how you want that call handled.

If you need more detail then just let us know.



Offline sarond

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Re: Transfer to Hold
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2015, 08:03:45 PM »
What TE suggests is more flexible.

For simplicity I program the park/phantom keys as 'secondary extension' keys. This allows you to pickup the call without reverse transferring.

For the lights, remember that the top 3 keys of a 5320 have no LEDs. You may need to move your keys.

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Re: Transfer to Hold
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2015, 08:19:07 PM »

Not a bad solution, but I assume that you set the Ring-When to 0 so that the phones don't ring when there is a call there. Also you would probably also want to create a CRA that plays a recording that says the call has been handled or something along those lines. After that you would then set the forwarding on the phantom port to forward immediately to that CRA whenever someone tries to IC it. This stops the annoying condition when two or more people try to pick that call up at the same time. The first one gets the call, the second one intercoms it, and the third answers the second one, etc..

I must also assume that you do not do a transfer to hold, but a transfer to ring so that it lights the phantom port; correct? This would also allow the call to Recall back to the person who transferred in the first place; which in some scenarios may be what they want.

Of course in my solution I forgot to mention that the person would need to use the reverse transfer feature, default 4, and then press the Hunt Group key to retrieve the call. What I normally do is set the Hunt Groups extension to be 1 digit less than the normal extension number and then tell them to pick up 4XXX or 4XX depending on whether we are using 3 or 4 digit extensions. I also usually set the Username to be Park 4XXX so that the person knows which one is which when using a 53XX style phone.

I like your solution it is very nice and probably preferrable to some customers who want the call to return to the person who put it in park.


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Re: Transfer to Hold
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2015, 08:56:58 PM »
Thanks TE and Sarond, both methods work great.  The top three fake lights really got me side tracked and thinking this was not possible.   Thanks for the help.

Offline sarond

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Re: Transfer to Hold
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2015, 07:28:01 AM »
To be honest I have never bothered with IC CRA to state there is no call to pick up, although I have seen it posted on these forums.
The M5000 sites that I deal with don't have high 'park' needs so have never had a problem with more than one person trying to park/pickup a call.

You can still transfer to hold on the phantoms and the light still flashes.
I believe it holds to the phantom until hold timer expires, then recalls to phantom until recall timer expires. Then I'm not sure whether it recalls to attendant or phone that parked the call. (I would think the attendant)

You can set alternate hold and recall timers for the phantoms to have them different to standard phones for added flexibility.

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Re: Transfer to Hold
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2015, 08:33:47 AM »

We never really use the "Park" feature either as the Reverse Transfer Feature works just as well or better in most cases.

Regardless some customers insist on this feature so we have to "Fake" the Park Feature. As for how it would function in your solution it would depend on whether you did a Transfer to Ring or a Transfer to Hold as this works exactly how it would for any other phone in the system, at least now it does.

So, if you do a Transfer to Hold it follows the call flow scenario you described. Call gets Tranfered to Hold, the Hold Timer (Standard or Alternate) associated with the phone would need to count down and then the Recall Timer would kick in. Once ther Recall Timer elapsed  it would then go to the phones Attendant.

If you did a Transfer to Ring however the call flow scenario would adjust a little. Call gets Transferred to Ring, the Transfer Timer associated with the transfer phone would need to elapse before Recalling back to the Transferring Station. It would then follow the Recall Timer of the Transferring phone before going to its Attendant.

Either way it is a great solution that I may end up using in the future if it is required.



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Re: Transfer to Hold
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2015, 07:38:36 PM »
Thanks for the confirmation TE,

That's how I believed it should work as well, just never tested it.


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