Author Topic: New and old UC Web Page from UC Server  (Read 1985 times)

Offline akuhn

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New and old UC Web Page from UC Server
« on: May 06, 2014, 02:27:32 PM »
Teamed with our local Mitel technician, we recently upgraded our MAS and UC Server to MAS 6.X
For Mac users who don't have the UCA Windows app, the old UC Web URL was:
However, the new UC Web URL is:
The problem is that the old URL is still active.  You can't login.  But it looks active and real.  I hacked away at it trying to login, and finally I sent myself the welcome to UC message so I could find the correct URL.  THEN I was able to login - on the correct page.
Turns out after talking to Mitel, they can't get rid of that web page because the mobile apps talk to it.  So my suggestion to Mitel was to patch or modify that page so that an end user can be redirected to the correct page if they accidentally land on an old address.

Interesting "bug" that's working as designed.

Adam in DC


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