Author Topic: 5000 Upgrade from 5.X to 6.X Breaks Voicemail delivery to Exchange  (Read 1836 times)

Offline akuhn

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My Mitel Tech and I upgraded our 5000 last night.  All went well except for the dreaded failure of voicemail delivery to Outlook/Exchange.

It was working perfectly before.

Other folks are reporting variations on this problem, so I think it's a known problem and Mitel really hasn't gotten out in front of it yet.

In our case, we had an Active Directory account, "vismail" setup to be the user that the 5000 needed to send the mail to Exchange.  Whereas before it worked fine, now it's stopped at every turn.

The key error log in the 5000 is:

Apr 12 09:04:04 (none) exim[452]: 1WYxbH-00007I-Ly <= U=root P=local S=116321 T="[0:06] Message for MB 2965 from x 4982"
Apr 12 09:04:12 (none) exim[467]: 1WYxbH-00007I-Ly ** R=smarthost T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: host mail.domain.local [ipaddress]: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender
Apr 12 09:04:13 (none) exim[532]: 1WYxbQ-00008a-OE <= <> R=1WYxbH-00007I-Ly U=mail P=local S=108155 T="Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender"
Apr 12 09:04:13 (none) exim[467]: 1WYxbH-00007I-Ly Completed

And on the Exchange side, I get the corresponding error:

SMTP rejected a (P1) mail from '' with 'Inbound SMTP' connector and the user authenticated as 'domain\vismail'. The Active Directory lookup for the sender address returned validation errors. Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ProviderError

The solution appears to be some sort of rights issue on Exchange - and may or may not involve granting higher "Send As" rights to the user Vismail.  Or perhaps using another user, either a utility domain admin account, or perhaps re-using Besadmin which is in everything, even though we don't have a BES anymore.

Anyone encounter this yet, and if so, suggestions on solutions?

Adam in DC

Offline akuhn

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Re: 5000 Upgrade from 5.X to 6.X Breaks Voicemail delivery to Exchange
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2014, 09:43:07 AM »
I just replaced vismail with another account that is also a domain admin account and then it started working.


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