My apologies Ralph. I wrote "Ext #" and meant "Ext number" - not the "# key" (or number sign)
jrg - I do have this working now, but using (VM Pilot, Pause , # ) Thanks !
The issue I was having to begin with, seems to be a bad circuit. SX-200 card / SS4025, I changed my test phone to a new circuit and all is ok.
To elaborate on it, I enabled voicemail for the phone and when I dialed the VM Pilot to set up the new VMbox, at enter passcode, it would not accept it my passcode, it just ignored me and asked for the passcode again and then finally gave the Thanks for calling, Goodbye. On my Transfer I was testing, Once I hit the VM Pilot, it just ignored my "#key" and transfer extension. Very odd, I could do all other dialing with the phone, but everything in voicemail was ignored.
I'm not sure if I pull the card and reseat it or replace it one day will resolve this.
Thanks very much for the responses.