Author Topic: Monitoring  (Read 3375 times)

Offline Mattmayn

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« on: June 17, 2009, 11:28:53 AM »
Ok, this is a bit dated but I am stumped. I have a customer that has a 200 EL running a call center and uses Melco KMT-330ATs to monitor the agents. They stopped working about a year ago, so they say (They are a new customer for us). I have replaced one of the units and can only hear the outside party while monitoring the line. Is there something that I have done wrong or some way to troubleshoot these things? The guys that installed the system made their own "Y" line cords where one pair connects to the handset port and the other powers the phone. The agents all use headsets, could thid be part of the problem? Customer swears that it worked before and that nothing about the setup has changed. Just gradual hardware failure over time.

I gave my solution of upgrading to a 3300 to be able to natively monitor the agents, hasn't happened yet.

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Re: Monitoring
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2009, 11:50:46 AM »
I'm not familiar with the Melco units so you may have to help us along here.
Where does the Y cable fit in?  Between the phone and jack or between the handset and phone.
What type of phones?   

The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the Melco units don't like the xmit type from the phone.   You may be able to test this theory out by trying to monitor a analog 2500 set.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 12:14:24 PM by ralph »

Offline Mattmayn

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Re: Monitoring
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2009, 11:54:12 AM »
I'm not familiar with them either.

The "Y cable" connects the handset port and the power for the phone (4025 and 4015) to the jack and at the system side there is a cable from the 200 to the phone and from the Melco to the phone. The best I can tell is that the Melco unit listens to the handset port when you dial an access code.


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