Author Topic: Old Inter-tel 8662 and 8622 IP Phones on a HP 2920  (Read 9389 times)

Offline JHFC

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Old Inter-tel 8662 and 8622 IP Phones on a HP 2920
« on: May 13, 2013, 05:47:48 PM »
We have a customer who has a 5000 with the old 8662 and 8622 IP phones. They are changing out their non poe Cisco 2950s with HP 2920 POE+ switches. The phones are v2 2.2.04. I haven't tried 2.2.05 yet but that version was really only built for a customer implementing NAC on their network.

 Here is the issue. When these phones are plugged into the new HP switches they will not pull an IP address or basically connect to the port other than getting power. We have tried to still use the power brick instead of the power from the switch but it makes no difference, we get the same result, no DHCP address. Statically assigning the IP doesn't work either.

We've changed the port speed as well and nothing seems to work. I know there has to be something that can be changed to make this work just not sure what it is. I have no direct access to these switches because of the nature of their business so all the troubleshooting has been done through the customer contact.

 If anyone is familiar with the auto-edge-port and admin-edge-ports I would love to know if they think changing from auto to admin would make a difference.

Offline MCA_tech

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Re: Old Inter-tel 8662 and 8622 IP Phones on a HP 2920
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2013, 07:55:15 PM »
I have the exact same problem as your customer. Did you find a solution?

I have found that newer hp procurve firmware revisions are not working with my 8662 and 8622 IP phones.  The problem with the HP 2920 is that its so new that we can't downgrade to a firmware revision that works. 

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Re: Old Inter-tel 8662 and 8622 IP Phones on a HP 2920
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2013, 11:23:50 AM »
HP helped me to resolve this issue.

I had to turn off LLDP via the CLI (web interface did not work).

The command I can use to disable LLDP on a port a VOIP  is plugged into:
lldp admin-status [port] disable

The following command was also recommended:
spanning-tree [port] admin-edge-port

This solution worked for my HP2920 and 5406zl and 5412zl switches.

Offline sparkycain

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Re: Old Inter-tel 8662 and 8622 IP Phones on a HP 2920
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 02:46:53 PM »
The post from the 14th is absolutely correct.  The issue is the LLDP frame size.  From HP support: 

When the phone receives an LLDP frame from the switch, it seems to no longer process DHCP Offers. Similarly, if the phone has an IP address manually set, it will not process ARP Requests.

Disabling LLDP on the switch globally or at the interface level resolves the symptoms.

Root-Cause of Symptoms Theory:

If the Inter-Tel 8622 phone receives an LLDP frame where the sum of the System_Name and System_Description TLVs  is greater than 147 bytes, the phone seems to then stops processing DHCP Offers, and never acquires its IP address.

Possible Work-Arounds/Alternate Solutions when running >=X.15.06.0012 OS:

*       Option #1:  Disable LLDP globally on the switch (no lldp run)

*       Option #2:  Disable LLDP on a per port basis:

*       Option #3:  Disable the System_Description TLV within the LLDP

 *      Option #4:  Change the System_Name string to a length such that the
System_Name and System_Description TLVs  combined length is <= 147 bytes.  The switch CLI syntax is hostname <name>

Offline LeadingIT

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Re: Old Inter-tel 8662 and 8622 IP Phones on a HP 2920
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2014, 01:24:24 PM »
The post from the 14th is absolutely correct.  The issue is the LLDP frame size.  From HP support: 

When the phone receives an LLDP frame from the switch, it seems to no longer process DHCP Offers. Similarly, if the phone has an IP address manually set, it will not process ARP Requests.

Disabling LLDP on the switch globally or at the interface level resolves the symptoms.

Root-Cause of Symptoms Theory:

If the Inter-Tel 8622 phone receives an LLDP frame where the sum of the System_Name and System_Description TLVs  is greater than 147 bytes, the phone seems to then stops processing DHCP Offers, and never acquires its IP address.

Possible Work-Arounds/Alternate Solutions when running >=X.15.06.0012 OS:

*       Option #1:  Disable LLDP globally on the switch (no lldp run)

*       Option #2:  Disable LLDP on a per port basis:

*       Option #3:  Disable the System_Description TLV within the LLDP

 *      Option #4:  Change the System_Name string to a length such that the
System_Name and System_Description TLVs  combined length is <= 147 bytes.  The switch CLI syntax is hostname <name>

Holy cow, thank you so much!  This worked for our Inter-Tel 5000 phone system with the 8662 model phones.  We just ripped out our old aging Dell switches and installed new HP Procurves, and we had the same issue where the phones would get stuck on searching for DHCP server.  We disabled LLDP globally on all 3 new switches and then the phones could connect.

I created an account just to say thanks!

Offline jonathanhagler

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Re: Old Inter-tel 8662 and 8622 IP Phones on a HP 2920
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2015, 03:17:47 PM »
Life saver! Disabling LLDP worked a treat!

In case any readers are using adtran, here is a link and steps to disable in AOS.

1.  Log into the switch and go into enable mode.

2.  Enter the following to disable lldp on the interfaces.

configure terminal
interface range ethernet 0/2-24
no lldp send-and-receive

Always remember to write the config to memory.


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