There is no form for this? In the help file, it shows the busy options table and says that 5 is "N/A". All of the other options indicate that it will give some permutation of option 0, except for 5.
Greeting Option
the following fixed system message in both the primary and alternate languages if Bilingual operation is enabled; otherwise in the primary language only:
"I'm sorry..." followed by the mailbox user's name (as recorded by the owner), then " currently on the phone"
followed by,
the fixed system prompt, "Begin speaking after the tone, then hang-up when you are finished or press any key for further options."
the same greeting as Option 0. (Option 1 exists only to provide backward compatibility with earlier versions of the embedded voice mail application.)
the fixed system prompt as per Option 1, followed by silence.
the fixed system message, "I'm sorry, the person you are calling is currently on the phone." followed by the fixed system prompt, "Begin speaking after the tone, then hang-up when you are finished or press any key for further options."
the fixed system message, "I'm sorry, the person you are calling is currently on the phone." followed by silence.
Can someone confirm that setting this to option 5 would give the caller the mailbox user's standard VM greeting?
Thank you!