Good day,
I was just recently given the password to our MITEL 3300 MCD software and was wondering how to go about doing a specific task, To give you some back story on this I had completed this task about a year ago with the guidance of a technician and am looking to replicate the results.
We are currently using up all of our licensed extensions and how we got around this last time to create a new extension for me was
We already had a phone at Extension 5005, the tech walked me through creating the extension 5055 and voice mail for that extension then we added 2 buttons to the phone that has 5005 labeled [5055 Incoming] and [5055 MWL (VoiceMail Light)
I am looking to do the same with Extension 5004 by creating 5044 for a new employee we have but I am unsure of where to start, and don't want to mess around with too many things and risk crippling all of our phones.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated