I'm having an issue clustering a couple of systems together. One of the systems was originally a stand alone licence, and has since been upgraded to enterprise, and can now do IP networking, etc. All good there.
I am having a problem though setting up the cluster. On the "master" controller I have created a cluster, assigned it a PNI, and added the second controller as a network element. In the network element I have also told it to be a member of the cluster, and assigned it a PBX ID. I have also assigned both controllers a CEID and Feature DN in the cluster elements form.
On the second controller I have also added a network element of the first controller, with associated PBX ID.
All ports between the controllers are open, so communication shouldn't be an issue there.
When I look at the second controller though it does not know it is a member of the cluster, and just asks to create a new one as none exist.
Is there something I have missed, or something screwy you reckon?