Author Topic: Scren Saver 5330 help ICP 5000  (Read 2518 times)

Offline amineo

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Scren Saver 5330 help ICP 5000
« on: August 03, 2012, 01:07:26 PM »
I have been given the task to create a simple screen saver for the Mitel 5330 phones. I have the HTML toolkit which I have read the pdf's thoroughly and have read through the source code. The problem I'm having is that I cannot see my applications in the Mitel System Manager. I can see all the default applications within the application system manager except of course mine. Upon downloading and renaming one of the existing applications I was able to successfully see the renamed application. Upon packaging one of the given source codes and uploading it I was unable to see the application. I also uploaded an already packaged spx file and was not able to see that either.

I do not understand what I am doing wrong or why Mitel would supply example code that does not work. If anybody has any advice or any updated source code they are willing to supply that would be great.

Background on me: 2+ years of coding experience dealing wich c++, java, HTML, CSS, android (basically there's no way my code is wrong since it isn't more than 20 lines)


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