Author Topic: UCA Call Notification Not Popping Up  (Read 4371 times)

Offline akuhn

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UCA Call Notification Not Popping Up
« on: April 04, 2012, 11:29:51 AM »
Just had a trickly problem with the UCA Client on a staff person's laptop working from home.  I used to see her screen.  When she was calling, the pop-up window wasn't showing.  I was pretty sure, and correctly guessed, that the pop-up was off to the right of the screen.  I have a lot of dual-screen mode folks and it's easy for that pop-up to be dragged to the right or left off screen while in the office working with the 2 screens.  You don't miss it until you are working on your laptop single screen from home.

If you hit alt-space and then M for move, you can drag the window left or right back on to the main scren

Here is the part that still is not working...her incoming calls are still not popping up.  I had to right-click on the systray icon and navigate to the show caller window to get it to show.  Otherwise, she can't answer an incoming call.  And yes, I checked the call notification settings and they're set to show all calls.

Is this a wait until back in the office to uninstall / reinstall the uca client?  Any thoughts?


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