Author Topic: 3300 / Live Business Gateway / Lync call transfer problem  (Read 3135 times)

Offline DComMitel

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3300 / Live Business Gateway / Lync call transfer problem
« on: March 29, 2012, 06:29:33 PM »

My organisation has installed LBG for a customer and we have got most functionality working okay but we are stuck with call transfers in call.

We can call and connect to a person inside or outside our network and this works fine but if we try and transfer a call from Lync itself it fails.

Lync is definately working and providing the instruction to LBG to make a single step transfer but LBG then reports and error saying failed due to invalid parameter. 

Call transfer works if you use the phone itself but not when remotely controlled from Lync.

Any pearls of wisdom would be greatly appreaciated as we are not getting much response from Mitel support on the issue.

Here is the error as received in LBG logs.

17821   TRACE
               transferCall() - device=5340, active call=21200317, held call=21198800   
17822   TRACE
               singleStepTransferCall() - active call=21198800, Transfer Call failed. Attempt to reconnect   
17823   TRACE
               reconnectCall() - device=5340, active call=21200317, held call=21198800   
17824   TRACE
               singleStepTransferCall returns error   
17825   TRACE
               CMiCSTA2XML::Serialize:Response *** XML String ***   
               <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="no" ?><CSTAErrorCode xmlns=""><operation>invalidParameterValue</operation></CSTAErrorCode>   
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 02:26:35 PM by ralph »


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