MCD 5.0 - Embedded VM
I have a phantom DN (2299) that routes to ring groups during the day and to voicemail at night. I have put a MWI button on the receptionists phone with the directory number of the extension (2299).
When a message is left, the button lights up, but when she presses it, nothing happens.
The system in question is in a cluster with my current system, but each is using their embedded VM. When I program a MWI button on my phone for my office partner's extension and leave him a message, my light starts up on the button and when I press it it takes me to his VM box, the same as would happen if I walked to his phone and pressed the VM button. This is the behaviour that I want; however the remote system isn't playing ball.
I have tried setting it up on other phones at the remote site - no change.
I have tried setting up a MWI button for a physical phone extension on the remote reception phone - does the same thing (nada).
With the systems being in a cluster, they have the same CoS and other settings as my system, yet they are behaving differently. Does anyone have any ideas? I have the messages emailling out (which suits my local office fine) but they really want a light at the remote site.