Author Topic: Desperately seeking help!  (Read 22209 times)

Offline Amaze_IT

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Desperately seeking help!
« on: June 07, 2011, 04:46:15 PM »
I'm having major problems at our site installing a 5000HX system, which will soon be going multi-site with similar configurations at each site.

The problem I'm having is that the 5312 phones are not picking up the VLAN correctly.  We are setting up the system to replace the current HiPath system which also uses VLANs for the phones, but in a slightly different way.  We are using HP Procurve 5412 PoE switches which have are currently set up and working for the Siemens phones, but no matter what i try am unable to get the Mitel phones to work!

The Siemens phones use customer Vendor classes to specify the phone and VLAN tags, as well as the dlp (f/w server) addresses - They don't use a simple option 43 ot 128 etc to configure at all.
I have set up a second DHCP server specifically to talk to the Mitel phones, and tried both option 43 and the option 128 etc. options to get the phones working, but to no avail!  They always report "tftp server unavailable" and pick up an IP on the initial untagged Data LAN.  Upon further investigation, it appears the Siemens phones use LLDP-MED for some of their configuration, whereas the only way I can get the Mitel phones to see the system is by turning LLDP off globally on the HP switch - not an option as this is a side by side migration!

What I am trying to find out is how to set up the Mitel phones so that they use the LLDP configuration as well - but no matter what I do with them it doesn't work.  The phones boot, they pick up the VLAN and priority from the switch (I know this because even when removed from the DHCP scope configs it still sees them!) - resets the phone, then stays on the Data LAN.  by disabling the LLDP on the switch, the phones read the DHCP config, but still stay on the Data LAN IP range, but now they all download the firmware from the phone system and bootup fine. when I enable it again they just go mad (the most common thing that happens seems to be that i get a NACK/Leaseover -> reset message on the the phone and it reboots.

Am I missing something here regarding the DHCP scope config?  I'm use a Win2k3 R2 server which has no other issues at all.  I even removed all the Siemens config from the main server and set up the Mitel options - same problem (except now the Siemens system has stopped!)

I have gone through the HP config (which is extremely basic), and double checked everything is in place - including the ip-helper IP addresses for both DHCP servers and all the (un)tagging for the voice and data ports.  I have deleted and reset the DHCP scope options on the servers till i'm going mad, but still no joy!  We are about to roll this out to 2 other sites with the same switches, this is the main site with the Xarios and CT-Gateway in place (as well as the AWC server), so obviously this needs to be right!

switch config is very simple:

ip routing
vlan 1
untagged A1-A24,B1-B24,C1-C24.....L1-L24
ip address
vlan 2
name "VOICE"
qos priority 6
ip helper-address <Pri DHCP svr>
ip helper-address <secondary DHCP svr>
ip address
tagged A1-A24,B1-B24,C1-C24.....L1-L24

DHCP Scope settings tried:

option 43;sw_tftp=<pri Phone System>;call_srv=<pri phone system>;vlan=2;l2p=6;dscp=46

option 128-133 tried using same info:
option 128 - Mitel_TFTP - type IP - <Pri phone system>
option 129 - Mitel_CallCtrl - type IP - <Pri phone system>
option 130 - Mitel_Tag - type String - MITEL IP PHONE
option 132 - Mitel_VLAN - type Long - 0x2
option 133 - Mitel_Priority - type Long - 0x6

These options were identically entered in both the Data (10.10.0.x range) and the Voice (10.50.0.x range) on the 2003 server - both attempts had equally no joy!

Any help would be appreciated - before i jump out of the 6th floor window!!

Offline smarbar

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Re: Desperately seeking help!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 04:52:39 PM »
I had exactly the same problems, turned out to be the MS DHCP Server ignores the VLan tags. Try untagging the voice Vlan from the port the DHCP server is plugged into on the switch.

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Re: Desperately seeking help!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 04:54:46 PM »
Sorry I meant make sure the port the DHCP server is in is set up for untagged data Vlan and NOT tagged for the voice

Offline ralph

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Re: Desperately seeking help!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2011, 09:59:56 PM »
I agree with smarbar.   Been there done that.
If you put a sniffer on the line you will most likely see the phone getting an IP from the data vlan, release it, then getting one from the data vlan AND the voice vlan.   Be sure you're untagged on your DHCP server port.

You may experiment a bit by setting the vlan manually on the phone.  Hold the 9 key while booting, get into the config for the vlan and arrow down past everything except the vlan option - set it and arrow down until you can exit.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 04:39:20 PM by ralph »

Offline Amaze_IT

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Re: Desperately seeking help!
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2011, 04:40:07 AM »
thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated.

Ok, here's what i've done so far -

i've untagged for voice ports J7-J8 (new DHCP Server with the Mitel Scope)
I've untagged for voice port J24 (Existing DHCP Server with Siemens Scope, just in case!)

Still no difference - the phones boot up as below:

- "Waiting for 802.1x authentication"
- "Waiting for LLDP"
- "Waiting for DHCP"
- "Vlan 2, Priority 6 _" on the screen (which it's getting from the LLDP server)
- "DHCP: Discovery", "Using Option 43"
- "Vlan 2, Priority 6 6"
- "" (Data IP Address)
- "TFTP Server unavailable"
(phone continues to bootup, but fails to get to the phone system)

If i plug a pc into the phone, it also gets a 10.3.3.x address on the data lan.

I've also set the vlan id manually to 2 in the phone as suggested - I get the same process, but without the second "Vlan 2, Priority 6 6" coming up, followed by the phone rebooting - a process it continues indefinitely.

We've also disabled LLDP on the phone and switch - same result as above...

Offline smarbar

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Re: Desperately seeking help!
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2011, 06:17:45 AM »
Sounds like it might be getting its IP addresses from the Siemens DHCP server, you need to remove this if you want to use ip-helper

Offline ralph

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Re: Desperately seeking help!
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2011, 06:22:47 AM »
It may be time to put a sniffer on it to see what you're actually getting.
Another thing you can try to get you over the hump is to boot the phone while holding the 7 key, enable teleworker mode and put the IP address of your controller in it.   Not sure if this will work in your case but worth a try.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 04:39:33 PM by ralph »

Offline Amaze_IT

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Re: Desperately seeking help!
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2011, 06:58:59 AM »
ok thanks for all the info - there seems to be some developments...

If the phones are set statically with a Voice LAN IP address etc, they boot and can see the phone system fine, working normally - which seems to point towards the switch config/DHCP scope clashes - but cannot see anything that could be the cuplrit!

Offline Amaze_IT

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Re: Desperately seeking help!
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2011, 11:21:38 AM »
Ok at last we have a happy update!

As a last resort we reverted to the main DHCP server, removed all the Siemens configuration details and entered option 43 on both voice and data scopes.  We then removed the Openscape voicemail server from the network, which is a linux box running on & ip addresses - and suddenly the phones started picking up the voice IP range of 10.50.0.x!  Once done, the phones could connect to the 5000 without any problems, and work without any issues  :)

Note for any future work - ensure that any Siemens Hipath kit is NOT connected to the network!

Thanks for all your advice guys - much appreciated!  2 more sites to go.......  ;D


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