Hi Forum!
Super help from @Tech Electronics!
Deploying a site (getting a PC setup for remote access) and troubleshooting an extension 107.
This extension is on DEI 1 - Bay 2 - Port 7.
During testing, found No Dial tone on the Full SLM-8 card.... I swapped SLM-8's beteen Bay 2 and Bay 3.
During testing, found Dial tone on Bay 2. i/e: the issue followed the card!
In software, the DEI1-Bay 1/2/3 ALL showed ONLINE...
I tried a power reset on DEI 1 to start off, without a difference.
I decided to swap cards, to see if the issue would stay in the BAY or go with the Card...
Is that the proper test procedures?
2nd. Is there a particular spot to purchase these SLM-8 or other hardware?
I know some forums don't allow monetary questions, but I do want to get some good hardware, with maybe a warranty.
I have E-bay as an option also...
Thanks in advance!