Sometimes when someone unplugs a phone the phone will not reconnect to the system, or it takes a long time to reconnect, it appears to be only affecting one site. We have a few 250's and mostly 5330e/5340e phones. All of the sites with the 250's are connected via fiber. All of the controllers and phones are on their own VLAN. The phones get IP addresses from our Windows DHCP server, the controllers do not have their DHCP servers enabled. I noticed that a bunch of the DHCP leases in our voice scope on the server say "BAD_ADDRESS" on them. Deleting the "BAD_ADDRESS" (finding it using the MAC of a phone) and restarting the phone doesn't seem to work.
Our DHCP scope options are:
003 Router - A switch
006 DNS Servers - Our DNS servers
015 DNS Domain Name - Our domain name
128 Mitel_RTC - Main phone controller IP address
129 MitelFTP - Main phone controller IP address
130 MitelIPPhone - the value for this one is "MITEL IP PHONE", does this seem wrong?
Any ideas what could be wrong? Or how to troubleshoot it? Thanks!