Author Topic: Mitel 5000 - remote nodes not picking up one extension from first  (Read 1162 times)

Offline WillZoneForCash

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We have a setup with three Mitel 5000 controllers that are linked. I created a new extension on Controller A a few months back (IP extension, a 5320 phone) that works fine on its own node, but users on the other nodes get an invalid extension message when they try to dial it.

I looked in the programming on Controllers B and C, both of the remote nodes reflect other changes I have made since then on Controller A, so they must be communicating - I see a different new extension that I created on A, as well as various name changes, but the extension I'm looking for is missing off the lists on both B and C.

Can I just create an off-node IP/Digital Telephone with that extension on the two remote node's lists for Controller A, or is there something else I need to check?

« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 11:24:00 AM by WillZoneForCash »

Offline acejavelin

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Re: Mitel 5000 - remote nodes not picking up one extension from first
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2023, 11:32:34 AM »
Do a full Export/Import of devices on the primary node... if it still doesn't appear than check the logs on the each controller, an extension conflict likely exists.

In the programmer, go to Operations - Export/Import... Export everything to all nodes first, then Import everything from all nodes (the programmer must be shutdown and restarted after an import).

Remember that remote nodes won't know immediately about changes on other nodes, you have to push it manually or wait for the automatic sync to occur, which is usually during the nightly maintenance routine (about 3am).
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 11:39:39 AM by acejavelin »


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