Author Topic: Issue with External Calls Hitting ACD Path, interflow point has No Audio  (Read 773 times)

Offline jole-trieve

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I am reaching in hopes for some assistance to a problem that I have been experiencing with external hitting the ring group and the subsequent routing to the ACD path and voicemail.

System details:
MIVB Version 9.1
Voicemail type: Embedded

Currently, when an external call is directed to the ring group and there is no answer, the call is supposed to be to the ACD path and play a recorded announcement (RAD) for 18 seconds. Once the RAD finishes playing, the call should interflows to the voicemail. However, I have observed that there is no audio when the call is routed to the voicemail destination number (DN).

It is important to note that when I call the ACD path directly, bypassing the ring group, the call plays the recorded message as expected and then seamlessly interflows to the voicemail without any audio issues. This leads me to conclude that the problem seems to be specifically affecting external inbound calls routed through the ring group.

I ensured both he ACD path and Ring group COS has the following features enabled for call forwarding:

Call Forwarding/Rerouting
      Call Forward - Delay   0
      Call Forward No Answer Timer   15
      Call Forward Override   No
      Call Forwarding (External Destination)   Yes
      Call Forwarding (Internal Destination)   Yes
      Call Forwarding Accept   Yes
      Call Reroute after CFFM to Busy Destination   No
      Call Forwarding Reminder Ring (CFFM and CFIAH only)   No
      Disable Call Reroute Chaining On Diversion   No
      Follow Reroute on Disabled Forwarding   No
      Group Call Forward Follow Me Accept   No
      Group Call Forward Follow Me Allow   No
      Third Party Call Forward Follow Me Accept   Yes
      Third Party Call Forward Follow Me Allow   Yes
      Use Held Party Device for Call Re-routing   Yes

If there are suggestions for troubleshooting steps or additional information that can help identify and rectify the problem?


Offline lundah

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What kind of trunks? Usually no audio is an IP networking issue, like a bad subnet mask or gateway address somewhere along the path, I'd check that first on the path between the trunks and the controller.


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