Author Topic: How to check messages on external number with MWI button  (Read 1451 times)

Offline lpaz

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How to check messages on external number with MWI button
« on: March 31, 2023, 01:56:03 PM »
I apologize for the bit of longevity, just trying to cover relevant info, or at least I hope so.

vmcd   MiVoice business
vnupoint  Mitel Standard Linux

Office phones 5330
2 phones on internal 52xx extension numbers
One of the 52xx phones has a CPN substitution number assigned, 82xx
both office phones have a Multicall button for the external number, 82xx
both office phones have an MWI button assigned for the external number, 82xx

There is a mailbox setup on the external number, 82xx on the vnupoint server.

This was setup prior before I arrived here. I'm not certain how it functioned before, but the office personnel are stating it does not seem to be working correctly, or at least not how they remember it to function.

When a voicemail message is received on the external number, 82xx, the MWI light blinks. When they press the MWI button, it dials the external number, 82xx, basically the same as calling that extension, they get the greeting and it asks to leave a message.

They stated in the past it would take them directly to the voicemail box instead of calling the number. I do not know for a fact if indeed it worked in that manner, but that is what they are indicating.

If they call the message center and enter the mailbox number, 82xx and password, they can retrieve their messages, but the MWI light button continues to blink after they discard all messages. They are stating the only way they can stop the MWI light from blinking after checking messages is to unplug the phone and plug it back in.

When I checked the mailbox for 82xx, the Class of Service was initially set to SMTPWeb and Messaging Waiting was set to none. I changed the Class of Service to AUM and Message Waiting to Mitai Messaging, same as all our other mailbox settings, but it does not seem to make a difference in the MWI behavior.

I have tried to search for the MWI information and what I have come across so far seems to indicate that if the phones are set with a Multicall number, the MWI button should function to get their messages, but I do not know if that is the actual case.

I am hoping someone may have  information on how this is supposed to work or how I may be able to get it work for them to retrieve messages?

Offline johnp

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Re: How to check messages on external number with MWI button
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2023, 03:47:55 PM »
You might want to do a mailbox dump to figure this out. I would have created a trusted extension 82XX with mailbox, add the miulticall message waiting indicator and  rerouting.

I would also verify the external number routing as I see no way the lamp can be lit with it disabled unless it is going to another mailbox, Also verify the Meassage waiting indicator Perhaps it is an alternate extension sowewhere.

Offline lpaz

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Re: How to check messages on external number with MWI button
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2023, 09:21:50 AM »
Thank you for the response. I have checked the routing but it is possible I may be missing something. I added a MWI to my extension for testing and it seems it simply calls the internal extension number on 52xx when I press it. I will try rebooting the vnupoint as I believe it has been running awhile but I believe the issue will most likely persist.

Offline lpaz

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Re: How to check messages on external number with MWI button
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2023, 05:16:49 PM »
It seems the users are stating this is working again, so whatever the issue was seems to have cleared up. Thanks again for the assistance with this.


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