Author Topic: Mitel 250 with remote PRI  (Read 2185 times)

Offline mitel250

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Mitel 250 with remote PRI
« on: December 12, 2022, 07:09:19 PM »
Hey there,

So i inherited a phone system with no documentation at all. I have been figuring out stuff as it goes, but i have an issue i cant quite puzzle out today.

Basically, we have physical PRIs at two sites. Many more sites that are just VPN connected to one or the other the master mitel250 with PRI card. The question is, how or where is this trunking numbers to another sites PRI setup on the mitel 250? I am in database programming mode, but I cant find the place where it specifies the remote site to send the call traffic to. It must be specified in there somewhere, so does anyone know the location in the menus?

The root problem why i need to figure this out, is that the DID does not pass the correct display number from the remote site out to the PRIs. For a local extension on the 250 with the PRI card, if i update the "calling party number" it does switch it. Unless its invalid, like if i put in all 5s. Then it seems to pick one of the lines to send it out on and that is what shows up on a remote call display.

With the sattellite mitel 250, it does this for all the DIDs, even if the calling party number is correct and we own it.

I think it might be caused by the phone company not thinking that we own this DID, as it was ported from one PRI to another recently. I was not involved with that so not sure what was done. I just know that the lines were changed to call out of a different mitel PRI. I am just getting in contact with the phone company to ask them, but in the meantime i wanted to know a bit more about how the call routing to a different site works. All our mitels are VPN'ed together. So we dont need PRIs at each site, they are shared, but i am not sure how this is trunked over in the mitel. I know how the VPN works and that is all fine. Just the mitel configuration i cant find.

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Re: Mitel 250 with remote PRI
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2022, 11:19:01 AM »
A lot to unwrap here...

If I understand it correctly, you have essentially two sites, each with a MiVoice Office 250 and a PRI at each location?

If so, the sites are connected via IP... This is handled by the system under the hood and most resources are shared across both sites, like interphone dialing, and many local features. DID's can be assigned from either system via Call Routing Tables... Outbound calls would be based on either the trunk group assigned the the individual phone, or more likely via ARS routing, which gets a bit complicated across multiple sites... You basically build a list of possible outbound routes, and based on what is dialed that route is taken which could be PRI1 or PRI2.

As far as outbound caller ID, if there isn't a number defined on the station, then the default is taken from the trunk group programming, whichever trunk group is used.

In many cases you can't send an outbound caller ID that doesn't reside on that PRI... So if a phone at site1 is trying to make an outgoing call of PRI1 with outbound CID from site2's PRI2, the call will likely fail if a toll call.

Not sure I am answering your questions...

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Re: Mitel 250 with remote PRI
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2022, 01:30:57 PM »
I think you did yes. I would just clarify that for simplicity, one site has no PRI and its trunking over to the other site to use their PRI. And i just wanted to examine how that trunk was setup and where it was. I will look through with the information you provided here.


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Re: Mitel 250 with remote PRI
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2023, 04:45:55 PM »
I guess i just need to know where the routing is taking place, in what area in the mitel 250 system. You mentioned trunk groups, however under my "CO trunk groups" i cant see any IP address information...

Basically, the system is configured to send out to one PRI at a remote site, and i want it to send out of another PRI at another site. Both sites are VPN connected under the hood, as you said. But i cant figure out how the system is routing a call, where this is configured.... None are SIP trunks, they are both PRIs. Under the processor module, the ip address is the local mitel. I just cant figure out how it knows to route to another mitel to complete the call. I think if i knew where that was configured i could find the problem.

I have "network groups" section, but under "trunks" its blank.

All the remote sites are under NODE IP CONNECTION GROUPS , but again, i dont know how to tell the system to use one connection group over another one...

Could it be under system -> numbering plan -> facility groups? because i see the old site listed under there... but it seems like i cant change the value?

Offline mitel250

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Re: Mitel 250 with remote PRI
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2023, 05:18:21 PM »
it WAS there!!!! i fixed it!

basically had to go to as i said, System -> Numbering plan -> Facility Groups -> PXXXX -> Trunk Groups/Nodes

and add a "remote node" of the correct site (which are defined under System -> Device and Feature Codes -> Phones -> 8XXX

And then i removed the old remote note, did a test call and the number appears correctly.

thanks for the help! got me looking kind of in the right place.


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