Based on some reading, I don't have high hopes, BUT. We have a set up with a single line extension dialing to our paging system. We have a handful of offices that do not feel like they can hear hallway announcements well enough and want it to also feed through their phones.
I setup and am going to try having a page zone that goes to both the paging system and the phones, but I am guessing that will fail to actually come through the speakers since the paging system is what designates the zone, not the phone system.
I also am considering the feasibility of running one of the zones on the paging system back to a single-line port on the phone system, but I'm not seeing a way to force that to do anything but call the phones as opposed to paging them.
Would love any insight. I know this is likely aggressively overcomplicating it, but I want to say I did my due diligence before they end up running speakers into those offices.