Hello all,
I have created a TFTP server and successfully transitioned Mitel 6905 sets from MINET to SIP in order to utilize some Single Line licensing available on my system. My problem is that I will be replacing loads of actual analog sets with the Mitel 6905s running in SIP mode to, again, utilize those licenses...however, having to use the individual phone's web UI to manually set things like the NTP server, speed dials and other various bits and bops I'd like to use a configuration file. More specifically...I'd like to know if there's a way to export the completed configuration of one set that has been updated to a state acceptable for my users. I am fully and painfully aware that I can create a configuration file, but I'm not at all comfortable doing so. It just seemed logical to me that I'd be able to export or save a configuration already existing. These SIP phones are loaded with SIP version 6.2 and will be deployed on MiVB systems running 9.2. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.