Looking through the OAtuh1Session module, I was able to get the following values. Very straigtforward.
FullArgSpec(args=['self', 'client_key', 'client_secret', 'resource_owner_key', 'resource_owner_secret', 'callback_uri', 'signature_method', 'signature_type', 'rsa_key', 'verifier', 'client_class', 'force_include_body'], varargs=None, varkw='kwargs', defaults=(None, None, None, None, 'HMAC-SHA1', 'AUTH_HEADER', None, None, None, False), kwonlyargs=[], kwonlydefaults=None, annotations={})
I am using the following OAuth1Session value to MslRest value mapping.
client_key > Comsumer ID
client_secret > Shared secret
resource_owner_key > Token ID
resource_owner_secret > Token secret
oauth = session(consumer_name, client_secret=shared_secret, resource_owner_key=token_id, resource_owner_secret=token_secret)
However this still spits out the same during authorization. The thing is I know I don't need to complete the authorization because I already have the pre-approved tokens. The only reason I attempt to use it is to get a verifier I can use for fetching the access tokens.
If I could find the verifier I should be good.